Saturday, March 27, 2010

One hundred pushups: week one

I didn't think I was going to complete the first week*. My plan was to do the workouts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. By Tuesday I was sure I was coming down with some sort if illness, and Wednesday there was no doubt. Sore throat, cough, headache, general listnesness. I also had some pretty severe delayed onset muscle soreness in my chest and arms from Monday's pushups. I did the second workout anyway, and only just completed it. By Friday I was getting better, but still felt very weak. I waited until today to do my last sets of the week. It was pretty challenging, but I managed 26 pushups on my last set. It was a good thing that this last workout called for 2-minute rest periods inbetween sets, or I'd not have completed it.

I barely ran this week, too. I did some hill repeats and a bit of treadmill, with socks. The weather forecast for the next week looks warmer, if a little windy, and I hope to get outside and put in some miles.

* Actually week three of the plan, as I "tested out" of the first two weeks.

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