Friday, May 14, 2010

Half marathon tomorrow, ready or not

I don't feel prepared for tomorrow's half marathon, but it's a little too late to do anything about it but get up early and put on my shoes. The good news is that the weather will probably be good. It's been cold, windy, and rainy for days and days. Today it's beautiful, and the forecast for tomorrow is for more of the same. It should be around 45F at the start, and no warmer than about 55F by the time I finish. I couldn't ask for much better than that. I happened to see the race director an hour or two ago, and when I mentioned the weather, he smiled from ear to ear. This race has a history of bad luck with weather.

One of the two friends I'm hoping to run with injured her foot, and as of yesterday wasn't sure she would run. Since I'm in no kind of shape to try for a PR, or even aim for any particular time, I was looking forward to just spending the time out on the roads with the the two of them. I'm sure I'll see her at the packet pickup later today, and see how she's feeling.