Sunday, May 16, 2010

Half marathon report

I had an enjoyable half marathon yesterday. The weather was perfect. I was a little worried about wearing my Brooks Green Silence shoes, since I hadn't run all that much in them, but they were fine. By the end, a toe or two felt a little hot, but I didn't get any blisters. My left knee feels just a little tender today, but I don't attribute that to the shoes. At my low level of training, I don't think any shoes would have prevented that.

Those shoes are definitely attention-getters. A number of people remarked on them.

I saw two marathoners wearing Vibram FiveFingers; one wore Classics and the other wore Sprints. I didn't get a chance to talk to them, but judging by their tattoos, they were both triathletes.

Many thanks to Russell, who ran with me. His wife, Mary, alas, was unable to run because of a foot injury. Also thanks to the staff and volunteers for the race -- everything was just right.

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