Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It took much longer than I expected to get back in training. My leg was getting better, but so slowly that it didn't seem like I'd be able to train at all before the half marathon next month. I did what I should have done much sooner, and went to see a doctor about 10 days ago. He found no major damage, and said I'd eventually just get better (which confirmed my own thoughts), but suggested that I see a physical therapist.

I did just that. The PT came to the same conclusion, but did some ultrasound therapy and gave me some stretches and exercises to do. Twice daily I've been doing an excruciatingly boring routine, but it really worked. The leg pain was reduced, and came later and later each day. Some days I didn't feel it at all, depending on how much standing or walking I did.

This morning I was back at the PT, and he gave me the green light to run again. I was sure he would. My leg is not completely back to normal, but it feels pretty good.

Over my lunch hour I took a short, slow run on the treadmill, and it went well. I'm going to ease into it, with short runs and no consecutive running days for a while.

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