Friday, March 25, 2011


In January, I started formal training for a half marathon. I'm using Runner's World SmartCoach for my training plan. I like it. Compared to my usual haphazard ways, I'm running a little less often, a little slower, and probably about the same mileage. Here's a chart of my running since January:

I started SmartCoach in the middle of the 4th week of the year. I was sick for a few days in the 6th week of the year, but hadn't missed any other workouts until this week. More on that in a bit.

I like the way SmartCoach builds up the training load. It started with just 3 runs a week. It goes in four-week cycles, with 3 weeks of increasing mileage and then it backs off a little the fourth week. It also adds another day per week of training every few cycles, always on the down week. For example, through week 4 of the plan (week 7 of the year on the chart) I built up to 24 km/week on three days a week, then backed off to 20 km, but on 4 days. Similarly, on week 13 I'm scheduled to go to 5 days a week.

My minimalist shoe progress has been pretty good, too. I run my shorter runs almost exclusively in my Vibram FiveFingers, and usually start longer runs in them before switching to Brooks Green Silence. I think my longest run in the FiveFingers has been 7 km.

That's the good news.

On Monday, all of this came to an abrupt halt. I slipped an fell on the stairs down to the basement of our house (yes, I'm graceful. Like a dancer.). My right leg folded under me and I bounced down about three steps on my foot and ankle. I also stretched my quadricep like it's never been stretched before.

As I fell I was certain that I'd done some major damage to my leg, but I found that it wasn't so bad. I could walk right away, though with some pain. I've been icing it and gently stretching, and it's getting better every day. I hope to get back running next week. My training plan calls for a tempo run on Wednesday, which I will probably skip, or at least make it an easy run instead. It's day-to-day at this point, and I'll be very cautious.

SmartCoach apparently has a way to re-schedule the rest of the training based on missed workouts. I'm curious to see what workouts it changes.

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